Laser Bond Inspection

The World's only Non-Destructive Test Method To Evaluate the Integrity of Composite Adhesives

Learn How Laser Bond Inspection Works

As manufacturers adopt new composite materials for flexibility and lighter weight, they seek reliable methods to assure the integrity of composite adhesive bonds.

Laser Bond Inspection, from LSP Technologies, is the only proven non-destructive testing technology to evaluate composite adhesive bonds in post-production environments.

  • laser bond inspection

    See the science behind LBI, how it detects bond strength, and how LBI delivers reliable adhesive testing results.

  • an employee performing a laser bond inspection

    For manufacturing and maintenance alike, LBI detects adhesive bond issues like "kissing" bonds, poor surface preparation, mold release, or contamination.

  • laser bond inspection equipment in action

    Flexible non-destructive testing equipment for evaluating composite adhesive bonds in factories and maintenance facilities, customized to diagnose challenging composite bond issues.

Learn More About Laser Bond Inspection

The latest brochure describes the many benefits of Laser Bond Inspection for non-destructive testing of composite adhesive bonds.

Aerospace, Power Generation, and Automotive composite components will improve in quality, consistency, and durability, with the assurance of Laser Bond Inspection.

And we describe the unique technological advantages of LBI for detection of sub-standard bonds and kissing bonds — materials that are in intimate contact, but have no mechanical bonding strength.

Laser Precision and Experience in Composite Bond Adhesive Testing

Vulnerability of adhesive bonds arises from a wide range of problems in adhesive quality, curing, and surface preparation. The main protections against composite failures control the variables in composite production, but OEMs need positive quality assurance after assembly.

The measurable force of laser shock waves allows Laser Bond Inspection to probe the integrity of composite bonds after assembly, revealing problem bonds without damaging strong bonds that meet design requirements.

  Learn more

  • 18

    years in LBI

  • 11

    patents in
    laser bond inspection

  • NDI

    no damage
    to good bonds

  • avoids costly
    full-scale testing

How Laser Bond Inspection Evaluates the Quality of Composite Bonds

The LBI overview video shows how quickly Laser Bond Inspection equipment can assess whether composite bonds will maintain their integrity.

Explore Quality Assurance With Laser Bond Inspection for Non-Destructive Testing of Composites

Major aerospace manufacturers and defense aviation experts now agree Laser Bond Inspection has the potential to dramatically improve quality insurance for composite adhesive bonds.

The excitement now extends to commercial customers in a wide range of industries with their own demanding composite bond applications. Laser Bond Inspection provides the precision and ease-of-use you would expect from LSP Technologies.

To find out more about Laser Bond Inspection, please tell us a little about your application, and our highly qualified application development consultants will develop a cost-effective plan to improve quality assurance for your composite bond application.

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