LSP Technologies serving laser peening customers in China, Germany
International customers seek more engineering and operational collaboration with LSP Technologies, Inc., the premiere supplier of laser peening technology
Posted: September 25, 2018
Procudo® 200 Laser Peening System through its paces at the Guangdong University of Technology, part of the company’s commitment to international customer service.
Dublin, Ohio – Sept. 25, 2018 – LSP Technologies, Inc. (LSPT) is providing in-depth hands-on support to its international partners and customers through training, start-up assistance and troubleshooting. International service has become one more reason the company is the premiere provider of laser peening technology, services and equipment.
In September and October, LSPT executives, technicians and engineers are traveling to Guangdong University of Technology (GDUT) in Guangdong, China and the ZAL Center of Applied Aeronautical Research in Hamburg, Germany.
Both GDUT and ZAL have purchased LSPT’s Procudo® 200 Laser Peening Systems, which include a diode-pumped laser, application-specific beam delivery and integrated laser peening cells outfitted for maximum throughput and high-efficiency part handling.
Supporting International Research
LSPT Chief Operating Officer Eric Collet accompanied technicians and engineers in September for consulting work at The Guangdong University of Technology (GDUT), which purchased a Procudo® 200 Laser Peening System last year. GDUT is conducting on-campus research and application development on laser shock peening (LSP) to improve metal fatigue life, laser peen forming to shape metal components, and other laser-material interactions.
Meanwhile, LSPT staff have also traveled to the ZAL Center of Applied Aeronautical Research in Hamburg, Germany. ZAL is a partnership that includes Airbus Industries, Lufthansa and LSPT . ZAL is also using a Procudo® 200 Laser Peening System purchased last year to explore innovative aviation applications. Airbus Industries and LSPT share access and time on the system at ZAL to serve European customers and their projects.
An LSPT build team provided technical assistance at ZAL in September. LSPT Vice President-Business Development David Lahrman was to attend ZAL’s grand opening for the laser peening facility in October.
“International assistance has become a way of life for us as we grow and find new markets,” said Collet. “Today, our team is delivering extraordinary customer service internationally on laser peening technology. We recognize how urgently our customers need solutions to improve metal fatigue for critical operations and components.”
Robotics, FEA Modelling, and Application Development
To ensure customer success, LSPT integrates laser peening services and equipment with a wide range of technical services. These include application development solutions, materials testing, robotics, production process improvements, and finite element analysis (FEA) modeling of customer components. All of this requires a level of skill, training, collaboration, and communication that educates our customers about the vast potential for metal surface improvement.
“The value added by the Procudo® 200 Laser Peening Systems is substantial – increasing fatigue life by up to 10 times the service life of untreated parts, preventing corrosion, cracking, damage from foreign objects, and metal fatigue at high temperatures and speeds,” Collet said.
Laser peening enhances mission-critical components. That entails extensive customer collaboration and value-added engineering. That, in turn, has spurred LSPT to add significant capacity in system design, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, controls, robotics, optics, and project management.
Rapid growth at LSP Technologies
“LSPT has doubled in size in little over two years, and we have built a staff that is prepared to provide on-site customer consulting, wherever that may take us,” Collet said.
“I think that’s what differentiates LSPT from other suppliers, and we intend to sustain that level of service and customer satisfaction as laser peening applications penetrate the marketplace. That makes it an even more challenging and exciting time of growth for our team and clients.”
Interested in Seeing More?
Tell us about your application, material, or failure mechanism and we will have one of our experts reach out to you. Our extensive library of research and years of experience gives us a unique advantage to apply a finite element analysis to help diagnose the best application for your situation.