LSPT Training & Support

Industry Leading Service You Can Count On

Contact Training & Support

Always committed to quality, LSPT delivers a comprehensive support framework for tackling training, installation, maintenance, and technical support.

  • Certified Technicians

  • Global Presence

  • 24/7/365 Support

  • Collaborative Development Process

  • Originators of Laser Peening Technology

  • Over 150 Years of Combined Experience


LSPT staff are service-oriented, partnering with OEMs to achieve your desired component improvement needs. We promote a transparent, collaborative development process as we work closely with your engineering team to achieve the optimal treatment for your part.


Highly-trained engineers and technicians support your installation process to help you or your customers operate at maximal productivity. Includes product upgrades!


Our preventative maintenance programs are custom tailored to meet your specifications. We eliminate failure through remote monitoring, diagnostics, and corrective action.


You’ll receive in-depth training on how to efficiently operate our Procudo® Laser Peening System or a custom piece of equipment. We are available 24/7 to assist.

Choose Your Training or Support Requirement

We pride ourselves on ensuring your success. Let us know how we can help!

Let’s Get Started

We guarantee that laser peening can provide protection against corrosion, cracking, and many other types of metal fatigue.

We begin by understanding your parts, their purpose, and operating conditions.

Then we use computer modeling, as well as our extensive library of industry applications to show how laser peening can meet your needs.

Let us show you how laser peening can extend the operating life of your part by 3-10 times.

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