Webinar Highlight: Laser Peening vs. Shot Peening

Many high-value parts, the shallow compressive stresses generated by shot peening are insufficient to prevent metal failures and extend component service life.

Posted: April 25, 2017

Live Webinar Highlight from an Industry Expert

Shot peening has been used to enhance metal fatigue strength for decades.  The process imparts compressive residual stresses that inhibit surface crack initiation and propagation.  However for many high-value parts, the shallow compressive stresses generated by shot peening are insufficient to prevent metal failures and extend component service life.
Laser peening emerged as a solution to critical failures that shot peening can’t address.  Laser peening produces deeper, stronger compressive residual stresses, and provides fatigue life improvements many times greater than shot peening.
In addition to superior fatigue enhancement, laser peening provides many material and process benefits over shot peening.  This two-minute webinar highlight from Dr. David Sokol’s presentation on Laser Peening Parameters and Process Effects outlines several key advantages that laser peening provides over shot peening.

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