Webinar Highlight: Laser Peening Applications

This highlight from an LSPT live webinar reveals some of the current applications where laser peening is applied to extend metal fatigue life.

Posted: April 18, 2017

Laser peening provides enhanced fatigue strength and damage tolerance for critical components.  The beneficial compressive residual stresses generated by laser shock peening (LSP) far exceed the capabilities of shot peening for enhancing the fatigue strength of metals like titanium and steel.
This highlight from an LSPT live webinar (Laser Peening Parameters and Process Effects – March 2017) reveals some of the current applications where laser peening is applied to extend metal fatigue life.  LSP Technologies’ Director of Research Dr. David Sokol highlights laser peening applications across the aerospace, power generation, and manufacturing industries, while identifying the material enhancement benefits achieved with LSP.
Visit our Webinars page to view more highlights and sign up for future live webinar events.

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