LSP Technologies Hands Over Laser Peening System to ZAL

The handoff was commemorated by a small ceremony at the ZAL TechCenter on May 2nd, and it marks the beginning of advanced laser peening exploration at this state-of-the-art research facility.

Posted: May 8, 2018

LSP Technologies has officially transferred a Procudo® Laser Peening System to the ZAL Center of Applied Aeronautical Research in Hamburg, Germany. The handoff was commemorated by a small ceremony at the ZAL TechCenter on May 2nd, and it marks the beginning of advanced laser peening exploration at this state-of-the-art research facility.
Group of men raising champagne glasses in toast while standing next to completed laser peening facility

The production-caliber facility features a 260-cubic meter processing cell, and integrated robots for part-handling and overlay application. Researchers at ZAL will employ the 200-watt, diode-pumped system to investigate laser peening applications for fatigue life extension, damage tolerance improvement, and precision die-less forming.

Lessons learned on the Procudo® LSP System at ZAL will enhance manufacturing capabilities across the aerospace industry. System time is also being made available to outside manufacturers from any industry to explore laser peening development projects on the ZAL system.
two men standing at a control panel for a laser peening system
For more information, Contact LSP Technologies, Inc.

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